Informujemy, że termin zgłaszania obiektów do nagrody UIA Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards 2020 został przedłużony do 6 grudnia 2019.
2020 Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards
Photo: Friendly & Inclusive Spaces 2017 Winning Project Coláiste Ailigh by McGarry Ní Éanaigh Architects, Ireland
Due to the exceptionally high number of entries still in progress, the UIA Work Programme, Architecture for All, is extending the deadline for entries for the 2020 edition of the Friendly & Inclusive Spaces Awards to 18:00 (CET) on Friday, 6 December 2019. Candidatures should be uploaded directly to the UIA Awards Platform.
The Friendly and Inclusive Spaces Awards were established to celebrate inspiring examples of friendly and inclusive buildings and places that have created socially sustainable environments through high quality architectural design.
A special award will also be given for evidence-based design research that makes a significant contribution to improved quality of life through facilitating a better understanding of human centred design and its application to the design of the built environment.
- New Buildings
- Refurbished Existing Buildings, including Historic Buildings
- Public and Open Spaces
- Research
Built works designed by architect member(s) of a UIA Member Section that have been completed since 30 November 2016. Works may include new buildings, public places and rehabilitation or adaptive reuse of existing or historic buildings and places.
Research by an architect or architects completed since 30 November 2016 which advances the theory and practice of friendly and inclusive design.
The submission text must be in English. Links to further information may be in the entrants’ national language.
- Launch 31.07.19
- Closing date for questions 15.09.2019
- Deadline for submission of entries
- & Stage 1 Entry Fee 06.12.2019
- Shortlisted entrants will be informed by 30.01.2020
- Deadline Stage 2 Entry Fee for shortlisted entries 15.02.2020
- All shortlisted entrants must submit a panel in an agreed format by 30.03.2020 (template will be supplied). The panels will be printed by SARP and will be exhibited at the Congress.
- Winners will be informed by 30.04.2020.
Categories 1-3, Stages 1 and 2
Category 4
A medal and up to three (3) Honourable Mentions will be presented in each of the Categories 1, 2 and 3.The winner of Category 4 and up to two Honourable Mentions will receive UIA Certificates.
The Jury reserves the right not to make any award if, in its opinion, no entry reaches the required standards.
Architecture for All will honour the winners of the third edition of “Friendly and Inclusive Spaces” at the official Awards Ceremony at the 27th UIA World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 19-23 July 2020.
Please address all questions to the UIA Secretariat.