Konferenca "Budynki pasywne i niskoenergetyczne"

Data dodania: 19.01.2009 | Aktualizacja: 19.01.2009, 00:00:00

Association of Hungarian Architects
Passive Houses and Low-Energy Buildings
International Conference
In focus: V4 countries

In the recent years the drastically rising energy prices, the introduction of the EPBD and the energy certification of buildings, the obligations of member states on energy saving and on CO2 emission mitigation affected by the 2006/32/EC directive on the promotion of end-use efficiency and energy services generated a great interest towards energy efficient buildings and passive house technology in the new member states including Hungary. New national energy policies are being introduced to enhance the growing market of energy efficient renovations and constructions. The priority subject area of the conference will be the transfer of know-how of low-energy and passive house constructions, specially in the Middle European region. It aims at creating a forum where experienced professionals, producers and market actors can meet the needs of the growing markets of the new member states.

Main topics
Passive Houses in Middle and Eastern Europe: a Developing Market Adaptation to a Specific Climate Innovative Materials, Components and Systems Design Tools and Techniques Case Studies Renovation with Passive House Components Indoor Environment Quality in Passive and Low-Energy Buildings Knowledge Transfer and Education Regulations, certifications Architectural Policy and Supporting Schemes http://www.passzivhazkonf.hu/english/index.html

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Partnerzy SARP:
BP2 Budimex Equitone ESS Audio Jaga Kone Norlys Polflam Renson Schueco Wiśniowski
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